Quick Check In: Medical Issues & A New Out Look on Life

Hello Flexies, 

I know it has been such a long time. Your lovely Flexitarian host had become quite ill and had a terrible flare up in her GI tract. This put me out of the eating just about anything category for almost 3 weeks. @.@ How does a foodie survive? By eating lots and lots of soup and vitamins.  While I’m still undergoing tests for allergens my doctors have advised me to cut out certain foods from my diet due to intolerance.  They also recommend I start to workout or get myself fit. 

So starting today my blog is going to focus on me, myself and I learning to cope with food intolerance instead of ignoring it, eating healthier, exercises and following some new diet styles I’ve researched. I will post recipes I like, do reviews of books I found useful and continue to find restaurants that will help cater to my causes. 


Thank you to everyone still hanging on for the ride, 


Jordan Lynn


PS: stay tuned for a more in depth post about my new diet choices and how I plan to make this work.