Paleo Changed My Life after IBS Diagnosis

Hi Flexies :),

I’m back. My doctors were unable to find a single allergy. So my strange internal flareups were attributed to IBS and food intolerances. To manage my symptoms and keep me living a relatively healthy and happy life my doctors and I have struck a compromise. I eat a 95% Paleo diet. During my testing period I was strictly 100% Paleo and while it was not difficult I’m a flexible person and don’t do well with restrictions. So Living 95% Paleo was the compromise I decided on.

Doctor Recommendations for living with IBS: (And my commentary)
> Limit Intake of Lactose Products (NO ICE CREAM!!!! 😦 )
> Limit Intake of Gluten (BUT THE BREAD!!!!!!!! 😦 )
> Limit Amounts of Processed Foods ( o.O?!! THEN WHAT AM I TO EAT?!!!)
> Limit High Fructose Corn Syrup ( o.o!! What Am I to DRINK?!!!!)
> Limit Foods That Seem to Cause Intestinal Distress (Well that’s specific huh?)

While I had been on a strict paleo diet for 30 days I found it too restricted for my often busy and rather hectic city to suburb lifestyle (and I was a bit lazy and discouraged by failures). During the first 30 days I was 100% paleo and while it was satisfying and I ate often I was craving items like bread and milk (which i rarely ever drink). While I used paleo staples like coconut or almond milk to calm cravings I had a hard time giving up on things I loved. So I struck the 95% compromise.

What is the 95% Compromise?

The doctor recommended I limit the amount of processed foods I ate. My response was the purchase all my produce fresh from the produce section or freezer section. (yeah yeah freezer isn’t fresh but its better then canned). I limit my canned food purchases, not I only stock them for emergencies like earthquakes and don’t eat them every day.

I do keep lactose pills and purchase lactose free dairy products but nearly 98% of dairy has been eliminated from my home diet. I mostly run into it in the world outside my home. This holds true for gluten. I go weeks without eating any bread and if I eat a sandwich every once in a while I’m not dying. (The doctors say I’m not celiacs so bread shouldn’t hurt me).

The Death of HFC (High Fructose Corn Syrup) was the hardest thing for me. I was a soda junkie. What normal 24 year old isn’t? I grew up in a home were soda was ever present and it just tastes so delicious right? It’s sweet and fizzy and when its a fresh bottle you just can’t get a more refreshing taste. Or can you?

With the loss of HFC I was forced albeit begrudgingly to drink water. Water (H2O) is one of the most amazing substances found on this planet ( I appreciated it always from a science standpoint) but from a drinking stand point it was always sodas. Now a days I drink upwards to 90oz of water a day. The cool crisp taste of fresh ice cold water from the fridge is just refreshing. Once I was used to it I found sodas to be too strong in flavor. Now a days I may order 1 soda if I’m out with friends at a bar but otherwise you’re more likely to find my reusable glass water bottle in my hand then a bottle of coke (something a year ago would have been the opposite).

Limiting intake of grains/gluten, dairy, and HFC and following the paleo diet closely but not restrictively has assisted me with living a happy and healthy life. These simple steps have allowed me to go back to the foodie world :)!! And that means I’ll have more amazing things to share with you soon.

Thanks for reading,

Jordan Lynn

* PS: Look for changes to come soon to the site 🙂

Quick Check In: Medical Issues & A New Out Look on Life

Hello Flexies, 

I know it has been such a long time. Your lovely Flexitarian host had become quite ill and had a terrible flare up in her GI tract. This put me out of the eating just about anything category for almost 3 weeks. @.@ How does a foodie survive? By eating lots and lots of soup and vitamins.  While I’m still undergoing tests for allergens my doctors have advised me to cut out certain foods from my diet due to intolerance.  They also recommend I start to workout or get myself fit. 

So starting today my blog is going to focus on me, myself and I learning to cope with food intolerance instead of ignoring it, eating healthier, exercises and following some new diet styles I’ve researched. I will post recipes I like, do reviews of books I found useful and continue to find restaurants that will help cater to my causes. 


Thank you to everyone still hanging on for the ride, 


Jordan Lynn


PS: stay tuned for a more in depth post about my new diet choices and how I plan to make this work.Â